
We help customers in their Digital Transformation journey, enabling better visibility into their markets and clients, empowering employees, achieving process efficiencies, and improving management agility. Our expertise in collaborating, conceptualizing and executing on your vision will help make your enterprise nimble and agile.

  • Agile (Scrum, Kanban)
  • Application design and development (Mobile, Web, Cloud)
  • DevOps, CI/CD
  • Cloud-enabled and cloud-native applications
  • Machine Learning, RPA
  • Microservices, Serverless, and Container architecture
  • QA/Testing, Manual/Automated

Our teams have successfully developed and deployed applications for automating operations, enabling new business models, workforce empowerment, customer visibility/experience, and technology integration.



We design collaboratively. We develop transparently. We believe in agile as a process and a philosophy. Our team works with the Customer team as one; our team delivers frequent functionally complete releases to ensure quick feedback and course correction.

Our process of enabling the customer to visualize the final product early on and weekly builds means there are no surprises.

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We design and develop elegant and simple applications that accomplish exactly what our customers’ need with the security features that they expect. Our team works in both native and hybrid environments to deliver the best solution for the opportunity.

Primus designs and develops cloud native enterprise applications, integrates existing applications and connects new applications to legacy backend databases and platforms. We also help re-engineer applications using new technology to eliminate inefficiencies and improve productivity.


Whether you need to drive your business with deeper insights or be able to forecast results with a high degree of certainty, or even to specify the best approach to ensure the right results, we can help with our specialized analytics frameworks.

We design and build fast, responsive cloud-hosted web applications and portals that are secure and scalable. Our focus on the user experience leads to a high quality application that delights our customer.

Our expertise in applying machine learning technology to address challenging problems helps our customers develop insights, reduce fraud and operational costs, and improve business outcomes.

We help our clients automate repeatable tasks with a high degree of accuracy and speed. We have team expertise in multiple RPA platform tools.